Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween candy on the brain

     Ha! I tricked myself into going to the gym on this Halloween Day.  It was a trick and a treat for myself.  I promised myself I wouldn't get down on myself if I had some candy today with my family.  So, I went and worked out, even ran eight minutes and now I can have some sweets.  And, I think I have myself tricked into going again tomorrow. 
     So, we'll see how the rest of the week goes.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What a laugh!

     Today, Saturday, is a scheduled relaxing day.  Two days ago, I walked the treadmill in the morning while my son was at school.  And, yesterday, I took my longest bicycle ride ever!  Hubby and I rode for seventy minutes and covered more than eight miles.  It was a beautifully chilled morning and we made it to my second cycling goal.  I've already set my third one for just a couple of miles past the trail bridge we rode to yesterday.  Isn't this great?  I'm checking off goals and moving right along to the next!
     Funny sh@t happens on the trail.  I saw an old man riding his bike while wearing his bike shorts with, get this, a Pea Coat.  He looked very Admiral-like.  The strangest thing on the trail yesterday happened at my serene spot by the river.  The trail is cool under the tree canopies and I was taking it all in, especially breathing in the fresh air.  Suddenly, I hear a booming voice from behind me.  "FBI! On your left!"  I swerved over to the right to give the "FBI" room to pass me.  They turned and looked at me only to laugh and ask, "It's a joke! Did we get you?"  I have to say, they did get me.  I caught myself checking my six more often after being jarred like that on the bike.  But, like everything else that happens on the trail, it is funny when we get home.  We get to laugh about all of the quirky behavior and took off for home. 
     I would have to say that my favorite quote of the ride came from my hubby.  We made it to the trail bridge and he took my picture.  I told him to try and keep up (haha), rode ahead and he says, "Its all uphill from here (insert sarcastic laugh),"  Who says that? 
     So, on our way home yesterday, I decided to exit the trail via a side parking lot in our apartment complex.  What I failed to see was how deep the little river rocks were and my bike tire sank and turned.  This knocked me off balance.  I couldn't get my leg swung over the seat to clear me from the bike.  I went down face first and dropped hard on the ground.  (Oh, I forgot to mention the riding gloves that hubby bought me for my palms.)  So, my new gloves saved my hands and took the brunt of the fall.  Needless to say, I scraped up my lower legs on the bike pedal and rocks.  It was funny after I stood up and realized how silly my decision to ride through the rocks was.  Hubby though it was pretty funny too.
     We had a lot to laugh at yesterday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

     I walked/jogged this morning.  I feel good and I know it is because of my exercising.  My attitude is directly related to my working out. 
     My physical pain, like shinsplints, limited my movement this morning on the treadmill.  But, I was able to push through the thirty minutes at a slower speed.  Now, it is important that I try to run again soon.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Low-impact today

     I walked today.  It had to be a low-impact day because I forgot to pack my water and towel last night.  I'm going to pack everything again tonight in the hopes of exercising tomorrow morning.  It was still a great workout, but i didn't turn my exhausted shade of pink and that is what it is all about!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Still going...

     Yeah, I laid my clothes out yesterday in the hopes of working out three days in a row...nope.  I was so sore yesterday and the treadmill was the last thing on my mind.  So, I made it today for a low impact walk for thirty minutes.  I was happier while exercising today.  That surprised me.  This must be the high point between the lulls.  I can work with that.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A New Goal!

     So, I set my clothes out last night and I worked out again today.  I was sore, but I was comfortable enough to run ten total minutes.  It was easier to run in the first ten minutes, even two minutes at a time.  My BP stayed below 180, so I kept going.  But, after the fifteen minute mark, I was running my BP up in the 180's.  So, I ran a minute every couple minutes until my thirty was over.
     It was harder to breathe today.  I don't know if it because I ran so much yesterday or just the increase in speed.  Yesterday, I ran at 4.8mph and today I ran at 5.2mph.  It could be the reason I was so winded.  They say to assess your exercise level of intensity to try to sing, talk and breath.  If you can sing you are working out at a lower level.  If you can't talk and are breathing heavy, then you are exercising at a higher level.  I have raised my level over the past two months.  When I get off of the machine, I am winded and sweaty!  There isn't much more I can do to raise my workout intensity.  I'll just continue to add running minutes until I can run the whole thirty.  My husband does it.  It is a bigger goal, but I think I am in a good place to try to achieve it.  I can't wait to see what my legs look like when I am a consistent runner.  It'll be so worth it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm back!

     It took me twelve long days to get back on the treadmill!  I was simmering in my own despair.  Exercise has such a positive effect on my mood.  So, without the workout, I was depressed and not happy with myself.  I am glad to have started it up again. 
     Another reason to be consistent is my balance on the treadmill.  Today I lost it and came close to crashing.  When I workout regularly, I have an easier time just staying on the darn thing!  Yet another reason to keep at it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


     Erg.  I went to the gym early again while my son was at school.  My mind was a little scattered.  I think it happens when I wake from a deeper sleep.  So, stepping on the treadmill was unusually shaky.  But, I wanted to get my thirty in.  I started my first burst of running only to find my right shin burning into minute four.  What do I do?  I turn the speed down to three mph and I continue.  I tried to run again to no avail.  So, I concentrated on keeping my focus and balance.  By minute twenty I had pushed my shin to it's limit and decided to try the elliptical for less impact.  Now, the elliptical is a specialized machine in my opinion.  I can get going with no problem, but finding my stride proved to be comical.  I can go faster, but I end up actually tripping forward and losing my grip on the handles and that sends the handle into my chest.  It was all very silly.  So, I only lasted five minutes on the elliptical.  I finished my last five on the treadmill, let myself cool down and came home for a quick nap.
     I must say, I am proud of myself for getting to the gym this week.  I'm still pushing myself and I need to accept credit for that.  It is all a part of the lifestyle change and the process of getting to a new level of exercise.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Is it getting easier?

     Today I got to the gym early and finished 1.75mi in thirty minutes.  I was able to jog/run for four minutes straight and an additional six minutes intermittently.  It was easier to get going this am for some reason.  Maybe I have turned a corner, as they say.  It feels so great knowing I got my workout in for the day.  I truly hope this is a lifestyle change.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rode my bike today

     My hubby and I took an hour-long bike ride to a local bridge.  It was my cycling goal to ride there when we bought the bikes.  We took an extended route on the way to add some distance to the ride.  And, by the time we made it to the bridge, I was in good shape; no heavy breathing.  After the bridge is another story.  There was a hill leading away from the bridge to downtown.  I pushed and pushed so hard that my body began to shake as I pedaled.  My breathing increased so much that I was hyperventilating.  But, I didn't stop until the first stop light where I could grab some water and my breath.  As my breathing slowed, I could feel my chest expanding more and then I could breath normally.  So, you would think that was the tough part of the ride.  No.  The first stop light was at the bottom of an enormous hill.  And, we had to go up it if we wanted to take the short way home.  And, I wanted to take the shortest path possible.  Home was only a few miles away and I wanted to lay down.  So, we set the bikes in the lowest gear possible.  Now, I understand the theory of the lowest gear, but it just didn't work for me.  Hubby said it was like walking, but I felt like I was stepping in mud and pulling each foot out of said mud only to repeat the motion again and again and again.  Nope.  I walked up the hill, while breathing like an old horse in the field pulling a plow.  Yeah, my bike was the plow.  Finally, at the top of the hill, I magically felt balanced and back in charge of my breaths.  Home was close and we finished strong at the end of six and half miles.  I felt victorious.  I felt relieved.  I had achieved my cycling goal.  As, I laid on my bed with the fan on high pointing directly at myself, I began to contemplate my next goal.  Nice.