Wednesday, October 5, 2011


     Erg.  I went to the gym early again while my son was at school.  My mind was a little scattered.  I think it happens when I wake from a deeper sleep.  So, stepping on the treadmill was unusually shaky.  But, I wanted to get my thirty in.  I started my first burst of running only to find my right shin burning into minute four.  What do I do?  I turn the speed down to three mph and I continue.  I tried to run again to no avail.  So, I concentrated on keeping my focus and balance.  By minute twenty I had pushed my shin to it's limit and decided to try the elliptical for less impact.  Now, the elliptical is a specialized machine in my opinion.  I can get going with no problem, but finding my stride proved to be comical.  I can go faster, but I end up actually tripping forward and losing my grip on the handles and that sends the handle into my chest.  It was all very silly.  So, I only lasted five minutes on the elliptical.  I finished my last five on the treadmill, let myself cool down and came home for a quick nap.
     I must say, I am proud of myself for getting to the gym this week.  I'm still pushing myself and I need to accept credit for that.  It is all a part of the lifestyle change and the process of getting to a new level of exercise.

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