Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello again

     Well, I guess I needed a couple of weeks to myself.  I rode my bicycle one morning and I walked a theme park all day this last Saturday.  But, mainly I didn't exercise for two weeks.  So, this morning surprised me.
     I dressed in workout clothes to take my son to school.  Driving home I talked myself into going to the gym.  It was great.  It felt really good to walk the treadmill again.  Although, my shins weren't.  They were pretty worked out from Disney this last weekend.  I think I made it eight hours because of my previous workouts.  I'm definitely in better shape than when I started out.
     So, there is only the the questions of, "Will I stick with it?"  "Can I motivate myself every time?


  1. Hello to you too. I think you are right that all the working out you did before Disney definitely helped you make it through 8 hours of walking. I admire your stamina and hope you keep wearing those "workout" clothes to school in a.m. and head straight over to the machines. /sounds like a great plan. good luck and always remember I am in your court. Love you.

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