Saturday, August 13, 2011

Finding that middle ground...

     My bike ride was awesome and I rode farther and faster than the last one.  I track my exercise with the Run Keeper app on my Droid.  It lets me know how I am doing after my workouts.  I think it is important to see the little victories so that I may conquer the bigger ones.
     Falling off my routine yesterday was hard to cope with.  I gave myself a hard time all the way up to falling asleep last night.  I couldn't get my failure out of my head.  Maybe once I learn to give myself a break when I have to start over, then I will move on easier.
     So, onto the next day.  I have to work out tomorrow, but I can't give myself a hard time if something goes wrong.  There has to be a medium between rationalizing myself out of working out and truly needing a day off.  In the end, I'll be happier if I can be nicer to myself.