Thursday, August 25, 2011


     Today is a workout day!  I have to keep my brain focused and ready to go to the gym.  It is early morning right now and I have a lot of positive feelings about today.  I like the way my feelings are beginning to change about walking/jogging on the treadmill.  Jogging is giving me a real feeling of accomplishment.  I can sense the change in my way of thinking about it all.
     It's only going to get better!  And, I hope I can use this post in the future to come back to when I am feeling down or questioning myself.  I want to be healthy.  Ending my obesity is the real goal.

1 comment:

  1. You sound much more positive! :) Did I see somewhere that you'd switched to every other day? I can see that being much easier to deal with mentally, and then if you work out on an in-between day, it's just a bonus rather than a reason to feel badly.
